Aim and Scope

South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (0972-7752(P) and 2582-0850(O))

South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (SEAJMMS) is a  SCOPUS indexed, peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal that covers all aspects of pure and applied mathematics.  The Journal publsihes every year one volume in three issues for research scietific area of Mathematics. The Journal is Open Access and an international publication devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, research articles in all major fields of mathematics and is managed by an Editorial Board.  The journal publishes original research and invited expository articles.  To be published in this journal, an original paper must be correct, new, nontrivial and of interest to a substantial number of readers. Scrutiny and selection of articles is done by the accepted standards of peer review, drawing on the competence of specialist reviewers worldwide. The submitted manuscripts are expected to contribute towards broader ongoing research in the area. The journal covers all diversified fields of mathematics and its applications. The journal is published under the support of the organization Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and mathematical Sciences and has been under publication since 2002.

Journal covers following major branches of Mathematics

  • Algebra 
  • Complex Analysis 
  • Differential Equations
  • Discrete Mathematics 
  • Functional Analysis 
  • Geometry and Topology
  • Mathematical Logic and Foundations
  • Number Theory
  • Numerical Analysis and Optimization 
  • Probability and Statistics 
  • Real Analysis 
  • Topological dynamics


Bibliographic information

ISSN: 0972-7752 (Print)
ISSN: 2582-0850 (Online)
DOI: 10.56827/SEAJMMS


Full list of databases and services

The journal's articles appear in a wide range of abstracting and indexing databases, and are covered by numerous other services, as given in the full list below.

  • MathSciNet(American Mathematical Society).
  • ZbMath (Open) (FIZ Karlsruhe).
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Google Scholar
  • WorldCat Discovery Services
  • Research Gate
  • CrossRef
  • Index Copernicus International (ICI)


Social Values of Journal

The publication of mathematical advancements in this South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences contributes to the development of scientific ideas. As scientific knowledge advances, so does the progress of the nation. The research publications underscore the significance of incorporating societal values into mathematics, thereby enriching the discipline and fostering analytical thinking and discussions about the broader social context in which mathematics is utilized. Educational workshops that tackled these issues encouraged engagement in dialogues concerning these principles and their significance, ultimately enhancing comprehension of the link between mathematics and real-world social scenarios.